Federal and State Programs Addressing Senior Hunger
The Older Americans Act: Congress passed the Older Americans Act (OAA) in 1965 to address a lack of community social services for older persons. The original legislation established authority for state grants to execute community planning and social services, research and development and personnel training in the field of aging. The OAA is a major vehicle for the organization and delivery of social and nutrition services to older adults and their caregivers.
Congregate Meals Program: Provides group meals at participating sites throughout the country (e.g., recreation centers, churches, older adult housing and other community spaces). Meals are available to adults aged 60 and older, plus spouse, household member with a disability, or caregiver accompanying older adult to site as well as site volunteers, with a focus on serving those at greatest social and economic need. The service is typically offered Mondays through Fridays. There is no charge for meals, but voluntary contributions are accepted. Each meal must provide at least one-third of the Reference Daily Intakes and follow the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Meals are paired with nutrition education, wellness activities and opportunities for social engagement.
Home-Delivered Meals Program: Meals delivered to an individual’s place of residence (the number of meals per week vary). Each meal must provide at least one-third of the Reference Daily Intakes and follow the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. There is no charge for meals, but voluntary contributions are accepted. Meals are paired with nutrition education and a social check-in from an individual who delivers the meal.
Georgia provides congregate and home-delivered meals through state and federal funds. There are twelve Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), that work with local providers to deliver services to consumers. For more information on how seniors can access congregate and home delivered meals and a host of additional services, contact the Georgia Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC).

The ADRC is a “no wrong door” entry point staffed with counselors that help older adults and adults with disabilities navigate life changes and find resources to assist them with living as independently as possible while remaining in the setting of their choosing. The Georgia ADRC currently serves all 159 counties across the state. For more information or to receive assistance in your area call 1-866-552-4464 or visit georgiaadrc.com.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as the Food Stamp Program) is the largest of the federal nutrition assistance programs and serves as an effective tool to fight hunger. SNAP provides monthly funds and nutrition education services to low-income families and individuals. SNAP served just over 1.3 million Georgians with an average monthly benefit of $132.27 in fiscal year 2019.
In Georgia, SNAP includes the Senior SNAP project that provides a simplified application process for seniors who meet an established list of criteria. For all seniors who are potentially eligible for SNAP benefits, there is a potential option to receive a medical expense deduction that could be critical in qualifying for SNAP benefits or increasing the amount of SNAP benefits. Currently, SNAP recipients can use their benefits to purchase items at most grocery retailers or have items delivered to their homes via Instacart, Amazon Fresh, or Walmart Delivery and many more.
More About SNAP in Georgia: dfcs.georgia.gov/food-stamps
SNAP Customer Contact Center Toll-Free: (877) 423-4746
Contact your local DFCS office: dfcs.georgia.gov/locations
Apply online: gateway.ga.gov/access
Print Application and Support Materials: dfcs.georgia.gov
The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is a federal program that targets low-income seniors aged 60 and older. The program aims to help supplement their diets by providing commodity food items and nutrition education at no cost.
Under CSFP, commodity foods are made available to states by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). Foods available for monthly distribution may include milk, canned vegetables, cereal, pasta, rice, canned meats, canned fruit, juices, peanut butter, dried beans and cheese.
In Georgia, two food banks distribute these food commodities: The Atlanta Community Food Bank and Second Harvest Food Bank of South Georgia.
The Atlanta Community Food Bank serves Bartow, Butts, Carroll, Clayton, Cobb, Dawson, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry, Morgan, Newton, Paulding, Polk, Rockdale and Walton counties. The food bank can be reached at (404) 832-4968.
Second Harvest of South Georgia Food Bank serves Atkinson, Brooks, Coffee, Colquitt, Grady, Lanier, Lowndes, Thomas, Tift and Turner counties. The food bank can be reached at (229) 244-2678, Extension 206.
For more information on the availability of the CSFP program in your area, please contact one of the above food banks. For questions about CSFP, please contact the State Office at (404) 657-3745.
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federal program that supplements the diets of low-income individuals in the state, including older adults, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition assistance at no cost. TEFAP commodity foods are made available by the USDA. States provide the food to local agencies they have selected for distribution to the needy. These agencies are food banks, soup kitchens and food pantries.
Seven food banks in Georgia collectively work to provide TEFAP access across the state.
America’s Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia helpendhunger.org |
gamountainfoodbank.org |
acfb.org |
goldenharvest.org |
feedingthevalley.org |
Middle Georgia Community Food Bank mgcfb.org |
Food Bank of Northeast Georgia foodbanknega.org |