Aging Careers in Georgia


Between 2000 and 2030, Georgia’s population of people age 65 and older will increase by a whopping 143%. Georgia will need more aging-related businesses, organizations, and workers than ever before to supply needed services for the state’s growing Baby Boomer population. You can be a part of the solution.

What fields are popular? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ list of 30 fastest-growing job paths includes seven career areas that are common in the field of aging, including mental health, physical and occupational therapy, home health, and personal care. Growth rates by 2020 for positions in these work areas range from 35% to 70%.

Intern at DAS

Students, explore aging careers this year with the Georgia Department of Human Services, Division of Aging Services (DAS).

But let’s put the data aside. Joining the aging field is about more than job growth. It reflects passion and personal mission. Aging services workers have a natural affinity for older adults. We simply love what we do. Explore the links here and decide if an aging services career is right for you.

Academic and Continuing Education Programs in Georgia
(Online gerontology programs are also available through out-of-state universities.)