Home & Community Based Services

Non-Medicaid Home and Community Based Services include a range of solutions to help older Georgians live safely, healthily, and independently in their homes and communities.

The Home and Community Based Services program is mandated through the Older Americans Act. It assists individuals age 60 and older and their caregivers. (Note that consumers may be eligible at 55 years old for some programs such as senior employment and kinship care.)   

The Division of Aging Services administers, contracting with 12 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), to regionally manage the program and consumer case management. For more information on these services, ​contact your local AAA.

Download this pdf file. FAQs for changes to HCBS wait list.

Nutrition and Wellness 

  • Congregate (group) Meals at Senior Centers
  • Home-Delivered Meals
  • Nutrition and Wellness Education
  • Counseling 
  • Physical Fitness Classes
  • Senior Recreation

In-Home Services 

  • Emergency Response Services
  • Home Modification and Repair
  • Home Management Training
  • Friendly Visiting 
  • Telephone Reassurance 
  • Homemaker Services 
  • Chore Services
  • Personal Care Assistance 

Caregiver Programs

  • Education and Support Groups
  • Adult Day Services
  • Mobile Day Care 
  • Kinship Care Programs
  • Respite Care 

Program Pages CTA

The Division of Aging Services (DAS) administers this program through the Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs). Contact your local AAA for more information.