ADRC Missions and Goals
The Vision
To build on existing networks to create an Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) in every community. The ADRC serves as a highly visible and trusted place where people of all incomes and ages can get information on the full range of long-term support options. The ADRC is a single point of entry for access to public long-term support programs and benefits.
ADRCs build consumer trust by using existing entry points to enhance individual choice and support informed decision-making and better access to services.
The Focus
- Awareness & Information – information on all options for a seamless system from consumer perspective
- Assistance – Counseling, referrals, and future planning
- Access – Private pay, eligibility screening, and determination
The Goal
- To move from experts working in isolation to partnership, co-location, coordination, and routine communication that includes cross-training
- To move from focus on eligibility and offering set menu of services to a proactive consumer-oriented approach, intensive outreach to individuals of all income levels with comprehensive options counseling
The Partnerships
- The formation of formal and informal partnerships has been an essential element in the success of the ADRC model. The Aging and Disability Resource Connection relies on the collaborative nature of multiple agencies at both the state and local level.
- State and local level partnerships include: Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Addictive Diseases; Division of Aging Services; Department of Labor-Tools for Life; Georgia Hospital Association; Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities; Governor’s Council on Aging; Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget; Department of Community Health; Walton Options; Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund Commission; Shepherd Spinal Center; Alzheimer’s Association of Georgia; Atlanta Alliance on Developmental Disabilities; Adult Protective Services; and the Division of Family and Children Services; Service providers and consumers
Future Needs
- Increased coordination among state-level partners to make system changes for the benefit of all individuals seeking information about and access to community-based long-term support options.
- Increased funding to support the continuation and expansion of the Aging and Disability Resource Connection.
Our History:
The Administration on Aging and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, both part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, launched the ADRC grant initiative in 2003 in order to promote the integration of long-term care information and referral services, benefits and options counseling services, and access to publicly and privately financed services and benefits for those in need of long-term supports and their families. Georgia was awarded an ADRC grant in 2004 and began with two sites, one in Augusta and one in Atlanta. Since that time, utilizing both state and federal funding, Georgia has expanded the ADRC effort into twelve regions of the state covering all 159 counties.