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Welcome to the Georgia Division of Aging Services training site. Here, you will find helpful training videos, documents and a training calendar. Our aim is to offer resources to help Georgia’s aging network be effective at building a stronger Georgia. Thank you for all that you do to help older Georgians live longer, live safely and live well.
Contact Love Taylor at [email protected] with any questions.
Division of Aging Services is now using a new Learning Management System. Community Partners, Area Agency on Aging Staff and Aging Network can access training that may be helpful.
Quick Link: IOTIS LMS Link
This information and training are provided for informative purposes only and are not the provision of legal advice.
Let's see what's going on in the world of the Division of Aging Services and Area Agencies on Aging!
If you would like to report abuse, neglect or exploitation, open the link below for instructions:
Abuse Neglect Exploitation App
For more information, visit the Forensic Special Initiatives Unit website.