Planning and Research
Planning and Research
“Stay focused. Be accountable. Plan boldly.”
As DAS’ organizational development unit, the Program Integrity section helps Georgia’s aging network observe those powerful principles through a combination of analysis, coaching, forecasting, and strategy. DAS, Area Agencies on Aging, and their providers make collaborative, results-driven program and policy decisions that reinforce DAS’ vision – to help older adults and people with disabilities live longer, live safely, and live well. The efforts are paying off. Georgia is a recognized leader in the nation’s aging network – a state to watch for fearless innovation.
Statistics and Planning
Visit our Publications page to download the following DAS materials:
- State Plan on Aging (2012-2015, 2008-2011)
- Just the Facts (2007-2013)
- Complete Oglethorpe Application
Home- and Community-Based Services
Georgia participates in the Performance Outcome Measurement Project (POMP), a federal initiative that helps aging network partners assess performance and stay accountable to the public through data analysis and action. POMP is administered by the Administration for Community Living.
Elder Abuse Prevention
The Division of Aging Services’ Forensic Special Initiatives Unit and Program Integrity section collaborated with professionals from two states to produce Investigation of Elder Deaths, an invited review in the in Academic Forensic Pathology, the official publication of the National Association of Medical Examiners.