Addressing senior hunger through Today’s Seniors

The information here provides background information, key resources and ways to address the needs of today’s seniors. You will gain knowledge about today’s seniors, how you can help and where to refer seniors for resources and services.

Key statistics on Today’s Seniors in Georgia

Your first stop in understanding today’s seniors in Georgia is looking at the statistics we shared in Key Statistics on Senior Hunger. There you had the opportunity to see some key state level demographics of older Georgians. Here are a few more that you should know:

  • 41,000 grandparents 60 and older are raising their grandchildren. (4)
  • The broadband gap between younger and older Georgians is 15.3% - 17.5%. (6)
  • 80% of seniors 65 and over own cell phones. (6)
  • 42% of seniors own smartphones. (6)
  • 15.6% of older Georgians are veterans. (3)
  • 27.5% are employed or receiving unemployment benefits. (3)

Strategies to Address the Needs of Today’s Seniors in Georgia

In identifying and understanding today’s older adults, we must recognize the many roles and responsibilities older Georgian’s claim, one being grandparents raising grandchildren. As we look to find solutions to address the needs of vulnerable older adults, we must recognize that serving as a caregiver to children significantly impacts this effort. We encourage you to visit the Kinship Care Portal, Georgia’s one-stop shop for information, resources and support for kinship caregivers. This is a great transition into your empowerment in identifying resources and services in your area.

Services and resources available in Georgia for Today’s Seniors

  • The Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) provides information and referrals on local food banks and other benefits such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, utility assistance and utility discount programs, like the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which put money back in seniors' pockets to help buy food.
  • Georgia SHIP provides free, unbiased and factual information and assistance to Medicare beneficiaries and their caregivers with health and drug plans. Furthermore, Georgia SHIP connects them to Extra Help and Medicare Secondary Payer (MSPs), potentially giving them more than $100/month back in their pockets, not to mention annual savings on evaluating Medigap and Part D options.
  • Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) (866-552-4464): AAAs are located throughout Georgia to offer support in every county. Part of the services offered are nutritious home delivered meals and weekday congregate meals in a group setting.
  • The Forensic Special Investigations Initiatives Unit (FSIU), critical support in preventing senior hunger, is looking out for cases of elder abuse that could include preventing access to food through financial abuse and neglect. The Forensic Special Initiatives Unit (FSIU) provides support to the Georgia Division of Aging Services (DAS) and other local, state and federal partners by identifying and addressing system gaps and developing process improvements to protect Georgia’s at-risk adults from abuse, neglect and exploitation.
  • State-Supported Caregiver Services from the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) and the Division of Aging Services (DAS) provide support and sponsor activities for kinship families. Visit the Kinship Care Portal, Georgia's one-stop shop for information, resources and support for kinship caregivers here: DHS Kinship Portal. Support groups and other community resources for kinship caregivers are available here: Community-Based Support for Kinship Caregivers



3. United States Census Bureau. (2022). American Community Survey 5-year Estimates available at S0102: POPULATION 60 YEARS AND OVER... - Census Bureau Table.

4. United States Census Bureau. (2022). American Community Survey 5-year Estimates available at S1002: GRANDPARENTS - Census Bureau Table.

5. Older Adults Technology Services. (2021, January). Aging Connected: Exposing the Hidden

Connectivity Crisis for Older Adults. Retrieved from Aging-Connected_Exposing-the-Hidden-Connectivity-Crisis-for-Older-Adults.pdf (

6. Monica Anderson, M., and Andrew Perrin, A. (May 2017). “Tech Adoption Climbs Among Older Adults.” Available from the Pew Research Center: PI_2017.05.17_Older-Americans-Tech_FINAL.pdf.