Georgia Senior Hunger Toolkit
About Senior Hunger Toolkit
The Georgia Department of Human Services Division of Aging Services’ (DAS) larger goal outlined in the DAS State Plan on Aging is to ensure older Georgians, persons with disabilities, caregivers and families have access to accurate and reliable information about resources and services. The Georgia Senior Hunger Toolkit provides key resources, as well as opportunities to engage and become involved at the state level to address senior hunger. DAS created this toolkit to fulfill a recommendation of Georgia’s State Plan to Address Senior Hunger, implemented in December 2017. This Toolkit incorporates the five focus areas outlined in the state plan. The intent is to provide a starting point to raise awareness about senior hunger in Georgia and to share state-level connections to resources and services to help address senior hunger both directly and indirectly.
Because the solutions and resources to address senior hunger exist across the state and at community levels, the aim is to foster collaborative efforts, encourage individuals and organizations to take an active role in helping to address senior hunger in the way they connect to seniors. DAS will update this toolkit on an annual basis to reflect the most current information. We hope that you will use this as a guide to identify resources and opportunities for you to get involved. We encourage you to first read
State Plan to Address Senior Hunger
, and then review, use and share this toolkit. There are many ways you can get involved to ensure that no senior goes hungry. Let’s get to work!