Senior Hunger Initiative
Georgia Embarks on a Senior Hunger Initiative
The latest research indicated in 2014 that Georgia was ranked 9th in food insecurity* nationally among those age 60 and older. There was a strong desire to address this alarming statistic by former Governor Nathan Deal and First Lady Sandra Deal, and former Department of Human Services Commissioner, Robyn A. Crittenden. A critical early move was the inclusion of hosting a Senior Hunger Summit to identify the hunger issues in Georgia as a goal of Georgia’s 2015-2019 State Plan on Aging.
Georgia’s Senior Hunger Summit
Georgia’s first Senior Hunger Summit held in 2016 brought together experts, stakeholders, and policymakers to prepare Georgia’s first State Plan to Address Senior Hunger. After the 2016 Summit, 12 regional listening sessions were held in the planning and service areas of the state aging network that formed the basis of the recommendations for the state plan that was unveiled at the second Senior Hunger Summit and published in December 2017.
The fourth Senior Hunger Summit was held on June 18, 2019, in Savannah, GA. This year’s Summit centered on the five focus areas of the State Plan. The goal of the summit was to identify the barriers to, and associated risks of, senior hunger, learn about senior hunger statistics nationally and within Georgia, hear from members of the Georgia legislature on addressing senior hunger, engage in a variety of networking opportunities, leverage partnerships to combat senior hunger, and share best practices in addressing senior hunger.
Georgia’s State Plan to Address Senior Hunger
The five areas that were selected in addressing senior hunger in Georgia are: Today’s Seniors, Health Impact of Senior Hunger, Food Access, Food Waste and Reclamation, and Meeting the Community’s Needs. The recommendations are summarized as establishing a senior hunger position, develop 12 regional coalitions, establish policy review council, coordinate data collection and analysis, develop and offer education and training, continue and expand the What a Waste Program and provide entrepreneurial mini-grants.
To learn more about Georgia’s State Plan to Address Senior Hunger, contact the Georgia Senior Hunger Initiative.
*Food insecurity is a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food.” Economic Research Service. (n.d.). Definitions of food security. United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved November 25, 2024, from
April is Senior Hunger Awareness Month
Learn more about Georgia's plan to address senior hunger. Join a Listening Session for Georgia's State Plan on Senior Hunger here.